It is entirely your decision which one you want. If you have the budget, I would recommend to go for high-end models ( eg: cardio 4). However, if you don’t have the budget, Classic 3 should do fine for now.
Ranking according to acoustic quality:
?Master Cardiology > Core Digital = Cardio 4 > Cardio 3 > Classic 3, Classic 2
I am not really sure if master cardio is better than cardio 4 or core digital.
Food for thought: বিয়েতে ১০ লাখ টাকা খরচ করতে পারলে সারাজীবন ব্যবহার করবেন যে জিনিসটা সেটার জন্যে হাজার বিশেক টাকা খরচ করতে পারা উচিত বৈকি!
কোথা থেকে কিনবো?
বাংলাদেশে লিটম্যানের অফিসিয়াল কোন রিসেলার বা ডিলার নাই। তবে বিএমএ ভবনের দোতলার মার্কেটে লিটম্যানের মোটামোটি সব ভ্যারিয়্যান্ট থাকার কথা।
For the doctors based in the UK, if you go to Littmann’s website, you will find a list of authorized sellers/dealers. I bought from Medisave ( ) and Medscope, ( ) and I recommend both of them. You will find most of the colour variants in Medisave. You can also buy from amazon but I prefer official dealers.
You can get tax refund later, for now you have to pay taxes.
At a Glance
Cardiology 4
- Better acoustics than classic 3 and classic 2
- More expensive than classic 3 or classic 2
- Short Tube (not an issue at all)
Core Digital
- Similar high-end acoustics to cardio 4
- More Expensive than cardio 4
- Short Tube (not an issue at all)
- Heavier than Cardio 4
- Less Warranty period
- Charging needed for the digital features
Classic 3
- Cheaper than cardio 4 and core digital
- Decent acoustics
- Has a pediatric diaphragm, which can be converted into a bell. So if you need to see paediatric patients, you won’t need to buy a paeds stethoscope.
- Acoustics not as good as cardio
I use Cardio 4 in the Emergency Department and I have used classic 2 before. To be honest, I am not skilled enough to feel the difference. I would say if you have the budget and want to be futureproof, go for cardio 4/core digital. Consider it to be an investment. You don’t buy a stethoscope everyday, do you?